
12.2010 L.V.E.B. Cover by Lauren Gherardi featuring Carolyn Jernigan

Hair, make-up and fashion styling by Sonia Garza. Ravishing red holiday dress provided by Necklace by MUSH, rings from Wolfgang Clothing in 5 Points.

Lady Gaga Chain Necklace by Arrogant Loves Original

This paricular one is sold. However, there's always the option to custom order HERE!

Chabri Fashion Facebook Raffle Contest!

Photo by Peter Stahl.
Fashion Designer Jennifer Cunningham has decided to have a contest to boost her Chabri Fashion fan page!
Suggest her page to your friends! When she reaches 300 fans she will give clients 30%off their purchase for that day…. Only 17 people to go!
When she reaches 400 fans she will give away a free hooded cocoon dress as shown above! (Drawing will be held to determine the winner!)

Click HERE to become a fan of Chabri Fashion and suggest to your friends!

Beautiful Colors and Patterns for Fall 2010!

Purple orchid is a must have color for this season's fashionable wardrobe! The good thing is that it looks great as a solid so it's sure to be a classic. Find this beautiful tube top dress matched with the woven brown leather belt at Rosie True on San Marco. You can also find this amazing printed material dress with the woven black leather belt! Time to head over to Downtown and snatch these up!
